Saturday, 1 October 2016

Apple iPhone 7 Plus Explodes.

Once again a phones has explode and this time it's not a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 it's an iPhone. It looks like exploding phones has becoming a trend. May mobile phone manufacturer wants people to use their also as a weapon. Well, jokes apart.

A Reddit user earlier this week reported a case of an allegedly exploded iPhone 7 Plus. Posting details for a co-worker, the user said the iPhone had exploded in transit, and that it was in that condition when received. If that is indeed the case, iPhone 7 plus and iPhone 7 users across the world may just be able to breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Apple has contacted the victim and promised to give him a new iPhone 7 plus. Just to recall Samsung has also recalled over 2.5 million Note 7 devices.

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